Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Lord Will Provide.

I just wanted to write how amazing God has been to me through my family and friends. For this trip we were responsible to raise around $785 per person. Little did I know how full of generosity and loving hearts the people I know are. Many people have given 10 times the amount I asked of them. Having your expectations shattered in this way is extremely encouraging. I have raised over $1000 thus far and this could continue to grow. This is so incredible and very encouraging to me. The "extra" money that has been graciously given will by no means go to waste. I believe that through God's sovereignty he has organized this perfectly. Other students who do not have their money raised will receive the extra money in their account. I am so excited that through all of you I can be supportive of my group as a whole as they are in need. We have one week left before we leave and are frantically planning and preparing for what we will be doing in New York. Praise to God for people like you who are so willing to sacrifice financially for his GLORY!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mission Trip to New York City!!!

For the week of March 7th to 14th a group of 5 students and Chris Daniel, the RUF campus minister will embark on a journey to lend many hands in New York City. We have chosen to spend our spring break serving there with an organization called Operation Exodus. Operation Exodus is a ministry mostly for school aged children, to reach them for Christ and offer opportunities to them they don’t get elsewhere. Exodus is a place for kids to come after school and receive tutoring, friendship, a time of fun, and The Gospel! We are going to be spending one week from March 7th to 14th working with Operation Exodus. We will be directing activities, befriending these inner city children and sharing the hope and love of Jesus Christ through worship and sharing the word of God. We will also have the opportunity to perform some hands on grunt work that needs to be done around the facility as time allows.

I am very excited about this opportunity as I have never actually been on a "official" mission trip, which may come as a shocker to most of you who know how I spent my summer. As I have traveled to places like India and Australia that are far away and distant it wasn't with the official goal of sharing Christ. This excites me to a great extreme and I am hoping that you will join with me in praying for this opportunity and as well as for me to be financially supported when March rolls around.

"Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions
exists because worship doesn't. Worship is ultimate, not missions,
because God is ulitmate, not man." - John Piper Let the Nations be

Friends and Family are Fun to Have.

Granny's 93rd Birthday was celebrated with much Joy!

I love when I get to see friends that make my heart flutter and my mouth sing.

Just wanted to post some pictures of my family and friends that I don't get to see as often as I would like. And to share some fun memories with those who read my blog.

Approval Feels So Good.

As I mentioned earlier I had a final interview with the Virginia RUF board last week. First off it was super encouraging to meet that many older men who are serving God in the church body and beyond. I loved the time we had, especially because it was my first real step towards working with RUF. During the interview I will have to say I was a bit nervous but I answered to my best ability, and things went smoothly. While the board was making their decision I got to meet other students who were applying as well from Washington & Lee and it was really encouraging to hear about the size, HUGE compared to ours, of their RUF. They all were quite nervous too and were not sure what to expect when we got pulled back into the room. However we walked in and they extended their approval to us all to appoint us as Official RUF Interns!! I am very excited and could not be more thrilled to do anything else after I graduate. I am now just praying and putting all my trust in the Lord that he will provide supporters along my journey to the month of August when it all starts. The next official step is to find out which campus I will be appointed to. Pray for a location that will suit me and the plans the Lord has for this ministry.